Sep 10, 2015
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
cranky and nerdy intro / Ray returns / listener feedback / Gobbledygeek / Robin in the tub / Becca and Ronda / Do Us A Flavor update / JP Fallavollita / beer and one season wonders / Ray's vacation cruise / USS Fluffer / the ship / bad cruisers / hot tub nightmares / cocaine kids / the worst magic act ever / Alex Trebek redux / complaints / corporate sponsorship and freebies / customer service / Red Robin birthday / Craig Yoe / poutine / we really love Red Robin / Bill Hicks vs. Jay Leno / closing / talk to Ray /
Wanna Cook?: The Complete, Unofficial Companion to Breaking Bad
Lay's Do Us A Flavor at French Fry Diary
Glenn's one bad cruise experience
Glenn talks about Alex Trebek the first time
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