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GAR! The Glenn and Ray Podcast

Aug 28, 2013

One of these days, I'm going to figure out how we've gotten so lucky here at GAR! This week, Glenn and I had the privilege of interviewing the current creative team of the Eisner-nominated and Glyph-winning comic book, Princeless (a big GAR favorite). Jeremy Whitley (the book's writer) and Emily Martin (the book's current artist) were kind enough to stop by and talk about their book, teaching comics, publisher Action Lab Comics, and other topics.

As always, you can always get the latest shows and leave comments for us at You can also listen on iTunes and Stitcher. Tweet Ray at @raycornwall, and tweet Glenn at @monsura. Thanks for listening!


Action Lab Comics
Princeless at Graphicly
Princeless on Tumblr
All Things Fun!
All Things Fun! Vidcast
Allison Eckel at All Things Fun!
Megamoth Studios
Megamoth Studio Classes
Chris Sims
War Rocket Ajax
the real Death
Otherkinds webcomic
Alternative Press Expo
Emily's Twitter
Emily's Tumblr
Jeremy's Twitter
Bleeding Cool
Space-Time Condominium
Molly Danger by Jamal Igle
Buy Princ1ess