Aug 29, 2014
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
re-wired / Verizon / birthdays / Christmas at CVS / Glenn's birthday resolutions / Twitter and promotion / Jack Kirby / Kirby at Marvel in the 1970s / Kirby at DC in the 1970s / Byrne and Kirby on FF / Fantastic Four #51 / the Spider-Woman controversy / naked superheroes / anatomy and sexiness / internet lets us down again / Kirby's women / Ray and the New 52 / Red Hood and Teen Titans / Aquaman / New 52 Justice Leagues / Glenn vs. Shazam / Black Adam / Mary Marvel / The Flash / Savage Hawkman / wading through the New 52 / Glenn's take on the Blackhawks / Queen and Country / The Last Policeman / what it takes to get Ray on a cruise / closing /
The Spider-Woman cover controversy
GAR! on the Teen Titans #1 cover
Interview with Mark Poulton on Savage Hawkman
"The Last Policeman" by Ben H. Winters