Oct 31, 2014
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
nude rocket / post-intro / the TCM Classic Cruise / waterslide / cardiologists / the movies / selfies / Alex Trebek / The African Queen / dining on the cruise / other cruises / making friends / comic con cruise / Camden Comic Con 2015 / Aretha...
Oct 20, 2014
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / nerd certification / 75th issues / cruisin' and workin' / special guest CL Quillen / Fantastic Four cancellation / James Robinson / Jose Ladronn / snookered / film licensing / the new FF film / rumors / Avengers Disassembled / Crisis...
Oct 17, 2014
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intros / Dennis Knight / Cross / casting Cross / Black Panther / NYCC / the Pronto Comics crew / fans / the social event / success / Carmine Street Comics / Buddy Scalera / networking / on the floor / the vendors / Secret Wars / Marvel Zombies...
Oct 9, 2014
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: If you listened to the show, you know that Ray is trying to get Glenn to ride the water slide on his cruise. Glenn, averse to the supertall climb and the ride down the slide that extends over the ship, has said that the only way he'll do it is if we get 100 people to tweet #GlennDoTheWaterSlide....
Oct 3, 2014
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / the new GAR! Facebook page / Prince's new albums / Prince covers / rock vs. soul / listenable / Prince plays Dungeons & Dragons / Glenn's college D&D days / Jack Chick / human sacrifice is bad / business model / Jack Chick draws the...