Nov 7, 2014
This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
soft spoken intro / live from Pulp AdventureCon / better than last year / the guy from Paradox Comics / Godzilla on Zone Fighter / AWA wrestling / WWF vs. WWE / bootleg / Stingray and The Equalizer / Beatles movies / Sgt. Pepper 1978 / Staying Alive / the art of haggling / the Sunday equation / Mt. Laurel Library / All-Star Comics #3 / digital comics / the still mythical David Lisa / Robert Kirkman and The Walking Dead / long comics runs / Redheaded Fangirl / pulp / The Spider / the candy bowl / best and worst candy bars / worst Halloween treats / Ray's birthday present / evil taffy / Halloweens past / chilled chocolate / tricked treats / Halloween hangover / wheeling and dealing / costumes and creeps / closing /
"The Walking Dead" at Biff Bam Pop!
Candy Bars, Ranked Competantly
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